The following is the speech by Breitbart Editor-at-Large Joel B. Pollak at the Tea Party rally with Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and Mark R. Levin, among others, against the Iran deal at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. today. as prepared for d…
Author: Joel B. Pollak
Breitbart’s Sonnie Johnson, Joel Pollak to Address Tea Party Rally Against Iran Deal
Breitbart News Contributor Sonnie Johnson and Editor-at-Large Joel B. Pollak will join Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Mark R. Levin and others in addressing Wednesday’s Tea Party rally against the Iran deal.
Iran Deal: Khamenei Says Israel Destroyed in 25 Years
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the theocratic dictator of Iran, tweeted Wednesday that Israel would not survive for 25 more years.
Donald Trump’s Crossover Appeal
Jonah Goldberg argues that Donald Trump is no conservative, and he is disappointed in conservatives who support him. He singles out my Breitbart colleague John Nolte, who has tweeted effusive praise of the way Trump confronts the media.
Iran Deal: Cory Booker Plans Emergency Meeting with Jews
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) is facing a massive backlash against his support for the Iran deal, and is reportedly trying to meet Tuesday with local Jewish leaders in an attempt to mend relations, the New York Observer reports.
Colin Powell Backs Iran Deal as ‘Israel Lobby’ Crumbles
Former Secretary of State and Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell backed the Iran deal on Sunday. The retired statesman, who played a key role in the push for war in Iraq, later supported Barack Obama for president.
Obama Makes Excuses for Chinese Warships in U.S. Waters
Pentagon officials said Thursday that Chinese naval vessels that appeared near Alaska during President Barack Obama’s visit this week passed through U.S. territorial waters–and hastened to defend China’s actions as being consistent with international…
As Clinton Emails Emerge, Schiff Wants to Stop Benghazi Committee
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) wants Congress to shut down the Select Committee on Benghazi, now that Hillary Clinton’s emails are coming to light. In an op-ed in the New York Times, Schiff, ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and a member of the Select Committee, says the investigation has “little more than a partisan tool to influence the presidential race,” and must be stopped–for Congress’s own sake. Schiff blames Republicans for politicizing the Benghazi issue. He completely ignores the way in which President Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promoted a false narrative about an anti-Islam YouTube video–ensuring that the filmmaker was jailed–to avoid election-season fallout from their failure to protect the U.S. consulate and their refusal to respond appropriately to the attacks as they unfolded on the night of Sep. 11, 2012. In addition, Schiff says, a report last year by the House Intelligence Committee “debunked the many conspiracy
Blue State Blues: A Senate Without Virtue, or Pride
The Iran deal will fail to muster enough votes to override an anticipated presidential veto. In the Senate, it may even fail to gather enough votes to stop Democrats from filibustering. The fact that Minority Leader Harry Reid wants to protect his mem…
CAIR Joins Black Lives Matter Movement
CAIR’s alliance with the movement reinforces the perception that it opposes law enforcement because it backs some of the aims of Islamic radicals, even as it condemns their tactics.