Jerry Brown’s choo-choo, er, high-speed train was already going nowhere fast even at an astronomical cost, but now the California governor is finding out that his “bullet train” might be going nowhere, period.
Author: Samuel Chi
San Diego Teacher Thinks Citizenship Question Is ‘Racist,’ Refuses to Answer
A San Diego middle school teacher refused to answer a border patrol agent’s question regarding her citizenship at a New Mexico checkpoint and was briefly detained. Her family members recorded the incident that has since gone viral, with her proclamation that “enforcing racist laws perpetuates institutional racism.”
Disgusting BART a Predictable Product of Failing Progressive Politics
BART is literally falling apart amidst a pile of excrement.
Iconic ‘Running Immigrant’ Road Sign Nearly Extinct in California
Nearly 30 years after their initial installation, the iconic “running immigrant” yellow signs that once dotted California’s freeways near the southern border have been disappearing over the past several years. Now there’s just one left.
California Travel Ban May Keep Its Schools Out of Final Four, Football Championship
California’s Democratic-controlled government fought tooth-and-nail with the Trump administration about its travel ban, but has no problem imposing a travel ban of its own to forbid its employees from traveling to other states that don’t share its pro…
Amazon and Whole Foods: An Organic Affluenza Experience
‘Would you like a side of kale with that cellphone battery?’
That sounds like an inquiry coming from your Alexa in the not-so-distant future as is set to purchase organic supermarket Whole Foods for $13.7 billion. The acquisition will firm…
Kamala Harris–Leftist Senator From California and Next Democratic Star
Kamala Harris, California’s freshman senator and former state attorney general, has been quite the newsmaker in her short five months on Capitol Hill.
Los Angeles Olympics on the Way, Just a Matter of When
The Summer Olympics will be returning to Los Angeles for a third time, the only question is whether it’ll be in 2024 or 2028, according to a published report.
California Ready for Single-Payer Insurance … But Who’s Going to Pay for It?
In California, after the state robs the taxpayers of their last pennies, apparently more money just falls out of the sky. That must be the conclusion reached by a California state senate committee that passed a $400 billion universal healthcare proposal Thursday with no funding plan. Yes, that’s 400 billion with a B, which is more than twice the annual budget for the entire state. Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) introduced SB 562, which calls for a sweeping overhaul of the state’s health insurance market. His committee passed the bill with a 5-2 vote, clearing the way for it to be taken up on the Senate floor next week. But Lara has yet to reveal a plan about how the state would come up with the money to provide health care to California’s nearly 40 million residents, including illegal immigrants. But in California, who cares about funding mechanisms? There’s still that $68 billion “bullet train” out there going nowhere. The state doubled down on increasing services for illegals after President Donald Trump pledged to tighten the nation’s borders. And just last month, the state legislature decided to levy even more taxes on gasoline purchases, as Californians will be paying $1 in taxes for every gallon