The South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention is underway, and event organizers tell Breitbart News that they’ve been overwhelmed by an unexpectedly high level of interest among activists statewide. Major speakers set to weigh in this weekend include potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), real estate magnate Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.
Month: January 2015
Weekly Address: Making America Safer for Our Children
In this week’s address, the President reflected on the progress of the past year, and looked forward to working on unfinished business in the coming year, particularly when it comes to the epidemic of gun violence. As he has many times before, the President reminded us that Congress has repeatedly failed to take action and pass laws that would reduce gun violence.
That’s why the President a few months ago tasked his White House team with identifying new actions he can take to help reduce gun violence, and on Monday will meet with the Attorney General to discuss the options. In his address, the President called on everyone to join him in the fight to reduce gun violence, because it’s going to take all of us to make America safer for our children.
Transcript | mp4 | mp3