Thursday on Bloomberg, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), said when she calls for President Donald Trump to be impeached, she “inspires” people. Waters said, “Let me just say this — I have learned over the years that I have been in this business that there are few people who are willing to speak truth to power and to talk about what really is bothering our society and our democracy. It is not thought well of to step outside of that box. When I talk about impeachment, I described what I think about this president. I think he is deplorable. I think he defined himself in the campaign, the way that he mocked and mimicked a disabled journalist, the way he talked about grabbing women by their private parts, the way he called names of his peers. I think that is unacceptable. For people to allow this kind of behavior to be normalized is beyond what I believe our democracy should be all about.” She added, “I encourage people, and I inspire people, and I show people that you do not have to be intimidated. You do not have to be afraid. You do not have to be traditional. You need to step outside