MIAMI, FLA. — Marco Rubio joined The Ingraham Angle last night to discuss the success of Florida’s elections and the future of the Republican Party. Click HERE or below to watch. On the Success of Florida’s Elections“But our laws in Florida were not always this way. It was the product of trial and error. We had mistakes and problems. […]
Tag: 2016 Elections
Marco Rubio Discusses His 17 Point Victory on Hannity
MIAMI, FLA. — Marco Rubio joined Hannity tonight to discuss his 17 point victory. Click HERE or below to watch. On His Win in Florida“The changes in Florida aren’t just people moving here. That’s certainly true, people are moving here because they want to get away from this lunacy in other parts of the country. But the other change is happening […]
MIAMI, FLA. — Marco Rubio was re-elected to the United States Senate tonight. Rubio gave the below remarks at his victory party at the Hilton Blue Lagoon Hotel after the polls closed. “It’s great to be here in the red county of Miami-Dade!” Marco Rubio announced. “I was blessed to be born here and I was blessed that my […]
Marco Rubio Joins Fox & Friends to Remind Everyone to Get Out and Vote
MIAMI, FLA. — Marco Rubio joined Fox & Friends this morning to discuss his race and to remind everyone to get out and vote today. Click HERE or below to watch. On Democrats Being Out of Touch with Voters“The big difference in America is between the people who go into public service or become successful and remember that, and the people […]
Marco Rubio Fires Up Floridians at Rallies in Jacksonville, Orlando, and Hialeah
MIAMI, FLA. — Marco Rubio fired up Floridians at rallies in Jacksonville, Orlando, and Hialeah ahead of Election Day.
Mambos Cuban Café, Jacksonville:
Cheyenne Saloon, Orlando:
Hialeah Park, Hialeah:
Rubio Habla con Pura Palabra
MIAMI, FLA. — Marco Rubio habló con el Pastor Otoniel Font antes del Día de las Elecciones de medio término para abordar múltiples temas de la actualidad política nacional. Una transcripción levemente editada está a continuación. Haga click AQUÍ para ver la entrevista. Sobre los logros de Rubio para la comunidad hispano-americana“Yo creo que logros no solo para la comunidad hispana […]
Marco Rubio Discusses Tuesday’s Elections with Trey Gowdy
MIAMI, FLA. — Marco Rubio joined Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy tonight to discuss his race against Val Demings and what Republicans will do when they retake Congress on November 8.
Click HERE or below to watch.
Marco Rubio and President Trump Speak at Rally in Miami
MIAMI, FLA. — Marco Rubio and President Donald Trump spoke at a rally at the Miami-Dade Fairgrounds today about what they were able to get done for Florida together and Marco’s race against Val Demings. Click HERE or below to watch. President Trump on Getting Things Done for Florida“We did great together. We did incredible things together for the […]
Marco Rubio Holds Getting Things Done Rallies in Fort Walton Beach, Monticello, and Ocala
MIAMI, FLA. — Marco Rubio held Getting Things Done Rallies in Fort Walton Beach, Monticello, and Ocala.
G.I. Jade Tiki Bar and Bistro, Fort Walton Beach:
The Paul Family Farm, Monticello:
The Bank Street Patio Bar, Ocala:
Rubio Habla con America TeVé
MIAMI, FLA. — Marco Rubio habló con Juan Manuel Cao en A Fondo de America TeVé días antes del Día de las Elecciones de medio término para abordar múltiples temas de la actualidad política nacional e internacional. Una transcripción levemente editada está a continuación. Haga click AQUÍ para ver la entrevista. Sobre la campaña de reelección“Siempre cuando estamos en contienda sabemos […]